Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lyman Orchards

We spend the entire fall season, every year, at Lyman Orchards. We go up just about every Friday. It has beautiful scenery, beautiful foliage in the later fall months, fresh fruit, and some of the best goodies around.

The kids love to run around in the orchard and pick fresh fruit to eat. Dad likes the bigger-than-your-face-chocolate-éclairs. And mom loves the apple cider donuts. Add in a cup of coffee and some duck food, you have yourself a beautiful fall day.

We got a jump start on fall with these cooler than normal temperatures. The corn maze will be opening this weekend, that means the end to the sunflower maze. And since we hadnt made it up there, we decided Wednesday would be a great day for Lyman.

And boy, oh boy, was it ever. We could not have asked for a better weather day. The fresh air, and sunshine was just what I needed to clear my head. And the smiles and laughter from the kids, its just indescribable.

After the maze we went pear picking. Ended up deciding the Asian Pear was the family favorite. And then headed up the hill to the Peach Orchards. The peaches are the size of softballs. Warm from the sun, juicy and perfectly delicious.

We headed down to the Apple Barrel (Lyman shop of delights) for an obscenely huge éclair. A bag of apple cider donuts, and some duck food for the natives. :)

It was an absolutely perfect day. And the best part of all??

Its only the end of August. We still have weeks and weeks of fall left to enjoy!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Vote

So its almost time to do my duty, my privilege, my right and vote. Step up and vote for who I think should be the next President of this fine country we live in.

Everyday, my vote goes a different direction.

I'm a simple person. I dont pay much attention to politics. I get my info from watching "The View" every morning while I fold laundry. And watching Leno at night before I goto bed. And from the bits and pieces I read online.

I like the idea of Obama. Him and his big ideas of change. He is an excellent speaker, and you almost find yourself believing the stuff spewing out of him mouth. I really like his wife. I appreciate there struggles. Growing up in working class families. It makes me feel like they understand the "American Way."

My issue with Obama...Well, I have a few. First is his safety and the safety for his beautiful family. There are a lot of people in this country, I am NOT one of them, that will never accept a black president. I worry about his little girls, if something does happen to him. For instance there were a handful of people arrested in Denver for suspicious behavior at the convention. And Obama wasnt even on the premises. Is the presidency worth risking his safety and his families safety? I guess thats a question only he can answer.

Also, there is the pro-choice issue. He claims to be a Christian. But, I dont understand how you can be a Christian and also support abortion? That doesnt sit well with me.

McCain is the obvious choice coming from a conservative republican family. I appreciate his values. And I appreciate his own struggles. And I agree with his pro-life stance.

Although, I couldnt tell you what it is, I have heard good things about his foreign policy.

His age is a worry. And his health. But, I guess any of us can have health issues at any age. And he does remind me a lot of George Bush. Just in the way he speaks. Its hard to explain.

Thinking back to the last time we had a Democrat in office, things were pretty ok. Maybe that is what we need again.

So, as you can see my vote keeps changing. I'm not in love with either candidate. I probably wont know which way I will vote until I get to the polls.

Pictures have been posted!

Crista Acosta, our favorite photographer, posted a sneak peak of the pics from the kids party.

You can see them here:


Monday, August 25, 2008

Another Year, Another Party Success

Operation Celebrate Children's Birth was a success. The party was a huge hit. Family is scattered about, and its nice to have a reason to get together and celebrate. We dont do it nearly enough.

All the kids had an amazing time running, jumping, playing and squealing in delight.

The adults chatted amongst themselves, pointing and laughing at above mentioned children.

My favorite photographer was on hand to capture the fun, and I'll be sure to link the photos when she posts them. (

Mom, of course, got a little misty a few times. I cant explain the way it feels to see my kids growing up. Its scary, exciting, heart breaking, sad, happy and 1000 more emotions all at the same time.

I am so proud of them, and so in madly in the love with them. I know I have said it many times before, they are my world, my heart and I cannot imagine how I survived without them.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Mommy Moment

Joey's birthday is Monday. This past week, today being the last day, he went to his summer camp class. It was 5 days of playing, snack time and craft making. Lasting 2 whole hours each day. The big finale today is actually a 3 hour class. Whoa.

Two of his classmates had birthdays this week, and their moms brought in cupcakes to share with the class. Joey has severe allergies to nuts and peanuts, so he could not partake in the cupcake eating like his classmates.

Had someone told me the following day there would be cupcakes, I would have made a batch and sent a 'safety' cupcake to class with him.

He was left out. He didnt care. He didnt even seem to notice. But, mom noticed. And mom was sad for him.

Well, I had the bright idea to make a batch of my own cupcakes to send with him today to celebrate his birthday on Monday.

And I was going to make these cupcakes as special as I could.

Joey and I went to the party store, and I left him pick out whatever cupcake papers he wanted. After much deliberation, he selected Lighting McQueen. And then we went to the store and he selected the Funfetti cake mix. I am a snob about frosting, we dont use frosting out the can. lol He didnt get to pick the frosting. But, he did get to pick the decorations. Chocolate sprinkles his favorite.

So, we spent the day yesterday making cupcakes, frosting them with his favorite chocolate whip cream frosting, and sprinkling the crap out of them with sprinkles.

Needless to say he was pumped. He kept saying he was going to share them with all his friends. And he wanted to make sure everyone got one. Such a sweet boy he is.

So, this morning, I had to make him a lunch to eat as his class. All the other days they just had a snack, but today they are going to eat a bag lunch.

I got all misty, AGAIN, packing his little lunch, in his little lunch bag. Lighting McQueen, of course. He took his lunch bag and his show and share toy, and put them in his back pack.

"I am all set dad, lets go. Its my birfday."

My little guy is growing so fast. Seems like just yesterday, I was sterilizing bottles, and driving all over the place looking for his favorite organic baby food. Now, I am packing turkey sandwiches and making him cupcakes to share with his friends.

Its almost too much for this mom to handle.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ally's Birthday Story

When Joey was 1 we decided to try for baby #2. We got pregnant again, rather quickly. And sadly, 8 1/2 weeks later I had a miscarriage.

We had to wait for few months to everything to get back to normal. And we started trying again. Around Thanksgiving.

A few weeks later, I had a positive pregnancy test that confirmed, once again, we were expecting. This time around we were so much more cautious about sharing our news. I went to the drs weekly to have my hormones levels checked. And at Christmas, it was safe to tell our families, another baby was on the way. Due the end of August!!!

Ally's pregnancy was equally as uneventful as Joey's was. I was just more drained because I had a toddler to care for this time around.

When we found out we were having a girl. I was overjoyed. I always wanted to a little girl. And now that I had one of each, we could call our family complete.

We agreed on Ally. Mike wanted Alexandria. I agreed, because I wanted her middle name to be Elisabeth after my grandma. Alexandria Elisabeth it would be.

She was another big baby. And I knew I would end up having her early. I planned Joey's birthday party for September 2nd. I figured she would be born the beginning of August, and that would give me plenty of time to plan a birthday party.

Fast forward to the middle of August. I was getting bigger every minute, and no signs of labor. One night I woke up with terrible back pain. And Ally wasnt moving. So, I got up and drank a HUGE glass of OJ, and waited. No movement. I was terrified. I couldnt get the doctor on the phone fast enough.

The pain was getting worse, coming and going. And Ally wasnt moving. 4:00am we called the sitter for Joey and flew to the hospital. They hooked me up to the monitors. Another backwards baby. Another back labor was in my future. But for now, it was just false labor, and within an hour she was kicking my ribs like a pro.

They kept me until lunchtime, and sent us home.

I met with my midwife on Aug 25th. The day after my due date. I had to have a nonstress test to see how Ally's heart rate was doing. It was even. It wasnt accelerating the way it should, but it wasnt decelerating either.

She wanted an OB to do an ultrasound to check on Ally's size, and heartrate. My OB, not the one that delivered Joey, another OB in the practice, looked at my belly and said "WHOA, We got a big baby here." It was a Friday. My 2 favorite OBs were leaving for vacation the following day. My placenta was aging. And he suggested we schedule a section for that evening.

Again, I was sold. The heart rate thing made me nervous. And I just wanted her out.

This section was a cake walk compared to Joey's.

I went in. Was prepped. 20 minutes later I was in the OR. I was rested, relaxed, and excited. I had the epidural. The drs pulled her out. And then it was done. No pain. No weird experiences.

Within 3 hours of checking into the hospital, she was in my arms, eating like a champ. What a difference.

With Ally, I requested no visitors except for family, and I didnt let them stay long. I wanted the time to just spend with her bonding with her. She never left my side.

Oh, she was born August 25th. Remember that Birthday party I had planned for Joey?? I was wrong. She wasnt early, she was actually one day late. And I had a birthday party to throw 1 week postpardum. Talk about exhaustion. Lucky for me, there were about 20 people waiting in line to hold Ally while I entertained Joey.

After things calmed down and we got into our little routine, it was clear, she was the perfect final piece to my puzzle. My heart is now whole.

Joey's Birthday Story

Around this time every year, I get all misty and excited. Joey and Ally's birthday is coming up, and I cant help myself from going back in my head to the weeks leading up to each of their births. What an exciting, and wonderful time that was. And I cannot fathom how I survived 24 years without them. What the heck did I do with all my time? And that huge hole in my heart that only they could fill??

When Mike and I started dating, I made is clear that I wanted kids. NOW. I will never forget the look on his face. He didnt know if I was kidding, or if he should pull over and throw me out of the car. He just got all flustered, and told me that he also wanted kids, but he wasnt ready yet.

I continued to remind him of my need to be a mom regularly, and then one evening over Martinis he agreed. We were 23, and talking about marriage. We both were working, and we were stable. It seemed like a good time to start trying.

Only a few days later, I woke up and ran directly into the bathroom to throw up. Hmmm.....

A week or so later, pregnancy test after pregnancy test came up negative. I was confused and discouraged.

Only then, sitting on my bathroom floor in tears, did I actually read the entire sheet of instructions that came with the test. It suggested you use your first morning urine. What a novel idea. Ok, that is what I will do.

That was Dec 23rd.

Dec 24, Christmas Eve, Mike and I went to Walmart to pick up last minute Christmas doo-dads. And a pregnancy test. I had told him I was going to wait until the morning to take the test.

Christmas Morning.

I didnt sleep much that night. My brother was visiting and staying at our house, things were crazy for the holidays, and I was thinking about the test in the bathroom.

7:00 am. I had waited long enough.

I took the test.

My sleepy eyes watched the test 'develop.' And two beautiful lines appeared. I was pregnant.

I was speechless. I remember not being able to get the bathroom door open, I was shaking so badly.

On my way to wake up my sleeping boyfriend, to tell him the fantastic news, I saw the phone. I couldnt help myself from dialing up my best friend at the time. It was Christmas morning at 7:15 am. She answered on the first ring. (Turns out her kids were sick overnight and she was waiting for the pediatrician to call.)

I told her, "I am pregnant!"

She paused, and in a voice filled with joy, tears, and overwhelming emotion, she said, "You are going to have a BABY!"

My heart fell to the floor, and I stopped breathing. What did she say? Baby?? No, I wasnt going to have a baby. I was pregnant.
Only in the that moment did I fully grasp what was happening here. We only ever talked about getting pregnant. Nobody ever talks about have a baby.

I woke up Mike and told him the good news. He was so happy, he rolled over and went back to sleep. Men.

Anyway, we decided to wait until after the holida y to spring our news. We werent married and we werent sure how our families would react. And it would probably be best if I had at least one doctors appointment to make sure all was well.

And besides, we had other big news. Under our Christmas tree was an engagement ring. We were getting married!!
What a Christmas it was.

So, to make the middle of my story shorter, and to save you from all the boring prenatal details, our families were over joyed when we told them. We found out we were having a boy. And immediately had his name all picked out. He is named after his dad.
The pregnancy was relatively easy. I did what I was told.

I saw a Nurse Midwife for the majority of my pregnancy. I had a vision of a beautiful natural delivery without any meds. And she was very supportive of my wishes.

Until week 36, she went on vacation and I was forced to see my OB. Dont get me wrong, I love my OB. But, he didnt share my vision of the natural childbirth.

At 37 weeks, my belly was HUGE, and Joey was estimated over 9 lbs. He suggested an induction the following week, if I couldnt get labor going on my own. I remember him leaving the room to call the hospital to schedule my induction.

When he came back in he said, I would be admitted on Aug 17th, and then would get pitocin and have Joey on Aug 18th. I got all teary, which I did regularly when I was pregnant. I informed him Aug 18th was MY birthday. I was going to have my baby on my birthday.

Looking back I wish I would have told him I didnt want the induction. But I had waited 24 years to have a baby, and this doctor was telling me I could have him in my arms as early as next week. I couldnt resist. I was onboard with whatever he wanted to do. Ofcourse, as you will learn, it didnt quite work out the way we all had hoped.

Well, we tried every trick in the book to get labor going on our own. Nothing worked.

On Aug 17th, my bag was packed by the door. The nursery was perfect in every way. The car seat was in the car, bottles and pumps were sterilized, laundry was all washed in dreft. Believe me when I tell you, EVERYTHING was ready.

Except for my kitchen floor. For some reason, I felt the need to get on my hands and knees and scrub every inch of the floor, with a 9lb baby in my belly. Crazy, I know.

Anyway, I finally got checked into the hospital. And was given Cervadil to soften things up and get my body ready for tomorrow's pitocin.
I sent Mike home to be with the dog. I was just going to sleep, no point in having him there.

3:00am rolls around, and I have a wicked back ache. Seems scrubbing the floor the day before wasnt the best idea I ever had. The nurses suggested I get the in shower and let the hot water hit my back for awhile.

I did that. No relief.

I called Mike. And pleaded with him to get here ASAP. I swear it took him 7 years to get himself to the hospital. By the time he got there, it was pretty clear, I was in labor. Back labor. Joey was facing the wrong direction.

They started the Pitocin drip around 7:00am.
Around 8:00 they broke my water. That was an interesting sensation. Everytime I had a contraction gallons of fluid came flowing out like a river.

Around breakfast time the parade arrived. My mom, Mike's mom, and my best friend. They sat in the room and watched me labor. Waiting on the edge of their seats for the baby to pop out.
They stayed all day. ALL DAY. My dad came in for a little while. My sister in law popped in for a
little while. I just layed in bed, and waited for my spine to fall out.

My nurses, at the time, were fantastic. They checked me frequently. I requested shots of narcotics as often as I could get them. It took the edge off.

Joey was amazing through the entire ordeal. His heart rate stayed right where it needed to be. He continued to move around. He did fantastic.

Sometime in the afternoon I heard the word C-Section. I knew it was time for an epidural. My worst fear was having Joey go into distress and have to have an emergency c-section. If there wasnt time for an epidural, they would have to put me out. And that was that last thing I wanted. I wanted to be awake, it was important to me to hear his first cry.

So, I requested the dreaded epidural.

Ever have a needle jammed into your spine? No? You should try it. Its oodles of fun.

After the epidural, life was better. The pain stopped. And I progressed to 5 cms. And then I stopped progressing.

My OB was on his way to perform a c-section.
It was close to 10:00 at night.
I had been in labor for close to 20 hours. 98.34% of that was without an epidural. I was tired, deflated, sad, and scared.

The new nurse I had was a not very nice. She prepped me for surgery. She didnt provide me very much comfort. They left Mike behind and wheeled me into a freezing OR. All I could see where the eyes of the people that were going to work on me. The anesthesiologist was not very nice to me. He was blunt and quick. He said he was going to increase the epidural drip.

Mike was finally able to join me in the room. Right at my side. I told him I was scared.

The anesthesiologist put an alcohol prep pad on my face and asked me if it felt cold. Of course it did. Then he put the same pad on my belly, and asked if I felt it. I said yes, it feels cold. He was annoyed.


I said, "No, I guess not." He told the drs, I was all set, they could proceed.

I felt everything little thing they did to me. Another anesthesiologist was in the room, and she had kind eyes. She told him they were going to put medicine in my IV to help with the pain.

Only a few minutes passed, and I felt this incredible pain. I screamed. And then a mask went over my face. The doctor with the kind eyes told me to breath. I tried to fight her off, but she kept the mask on my face.

There was no oxygen in the mask. Only gas to put me out. I felt like I was dying. And all I could see was this doctors eyes. Only a few seconds later I was out.

And I had a totally insane out of body experience. It totally freaked me out, and I didnt talk about it for quite awhile.

When I was put out there was something spinning in front of me. Like on a string. And there was this terrible constant sound. And I asked "Is this eternity?" And I got the response that yes it was. For eternity I would have to listen to that horrid noise.

Suddenly I was outside, and there was water. A huge pane of glass separated the water in half. To get to the other side, I would have to swim under the glass. I was told that my baby would be on the other side. I jumped in and started swimming under the glass. On the other side, I was swimming toward the surface, but just couldnt get there. I had my arms out stretched, reaching. I couldnt breath and I felt like I would die.
I kind voice told me, "You baby is right here, come get him."
With that I hit the surfacing and woke up in the OR taking in a huge breath and gasping for air.
I heard the sound of a baby crying.

"Is that my baby?"

The nurses said, "Yes it is." 9lbs exactly. Healthy, pink and breathtaking.

I was able to take one look at him, and give him a kiss. And he was whisked away to the NICU, where all c-scetion babies go, for observation. I told Mike to go with Joey. And I passed back out.

About an hour later, I woke up in my room. Everyone was in there. Family and friends. They had been there the entire time, and had watched Joey through the glass in the nursery. They all told me he was beautiful. And they all left so our news little family could be alone.

The not-so-nice-nurse was there doing paperwork. I asked her where Joey was, and that I wanted to see him immediately.

Her suggestion? She wanted to me to sleep, and I could see him in the morning.
Brave woman saying that to a new-mom.

I complained enough that she went and got him. She wheeled him in, and went back to her seat in my room to finish my chart. Mike stood over him.

I was like GIVE HIM TO ME.

Mike had never held a baby before. And he had no idea. The nurse barked at him to just pick him up. She wasnt very helpful.

But, Mike did it. And at last I had my baby in my arms. He was absolutely beautiful. Seriously, he was the cutest little newborn. So chubby and just perfect in every way.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

10 Things I CANNOT Live Without

1. The Kids.
2. The Husband.

Ok those were givens.
Lets start over...
1. My bed. Without sleep, I am worthless. And my kids love to snuggle in the morning with us. I love that time of the day.

2. Caffeine. Without it, I would be a pile of mush on the floor.

3. TiVo. If you currently are living without a TiVo, please explain to me how you do it.

4. The Internet. Toontown, Blogs, Myspace, email, recipes, woot, old, its endless...

5. My cell phone. How I hate that stupid thing. But, I never ever leave home with out it.

6. Thomas the Train. Without him I wouldnt have $1000 worth of trains to pick up everyday.

7. The dollar menu. When you are out and about and you totally forget about having to feed your kids....Nothing spells relief like a dollar menu. Where else can you feed a family of 4 with $10??

8. Our Britax car seats. I cant say enough good things about them. I really should work for that company.

9. My shark steam mop. Good Bye swifter. Hello washable replacement pads!!

10. My friends. Love all you guys.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Wedding Fun

My best friend, Lyndsay's sister, Liz got married this past weekend. (did you get all that?)

Due to childcare needs it worked out better if Mike stayed home with the kids, and I end up bringing a dear friend as my date. (My third child, Meghan)

Mike hates weddings, and was more than happy to stay home and entertain the kids. I was more than happy to leave him home, so I didnt have to worry about entertaining him. :)

The wedding was absolutely beautiful and probably the best wedding I have ever been too. Besides my own, I guess. lol

It was an outdoor ceremony, in the country. The bride even arrived with her dad in a horse drawn carriage. It was amazing.

And I all I had to do was think of Ally getting married someday. I sobbed through the entire wedding ceremony. I'm such a girl. lol

The reception was a blast. I ran into a bunch of people I hadnt seen in years. I wore something other than mom-clothes, and I left the flip-flops at home.

I drank more than I should have, danced more that I should have, and had more fun that I should have.

And then I spent the next day remembering that I was too old to have that much fun.

This is the bride arriving in the horse drawn carriage.

Walking down the aisle with her dad. (This is about where my weeping began.)

Taking a carriage ride of our own. That is my 'date' Meghan. (My other daughter lol)

Meghan, myself, and Lyndsay

Here we are. Best Friends. Lova Ya, Lyndz

Our Day out with Thomas

Let me just start off my saying, I wish I would have invented Thomas the Train. Because someone out there is making a fortune!!!!

This day out with thomas was in Thomaston instead of Waterbury. What an improvement!! The train ride was more scenic, the people were nicer, and the atmosphere was just overall better.

Joey and Ally had a complete and total blast. Ally even insisted on wearing one of her brother's Thomas shirts. I'm totally surprised he allowed it!!

Anyway, enjoy the pics....