We had to wait for few months to everything to get back to normal. And we started trying again. Around Thanksgiving.
A few weeks later, I had a positive pregnancy test that confirmed, once again, we were expecting. This time around we were so much more cautious about sharing our news. I went to the drs weekly to have my hormones levels checked. And at Christmas, it was safe to tell our families, another baby was on the way. Due the end of August!!!
Ally's pregnancy was equally as uneventful as Joey's was. I was just more drained because I had a toddler to care for this time around.
When we found out we were having a girl. I was overjoyed. I always wanted to a little girl. And now that I had one of each, we could call our family complete.
We agreed on Ally. Mike wanted Alexandria. I agreed, because I wanted her middle name to be Elisabeth after my grandma. Alexandria Elisabeth it would be.
She was another big baby. And I knew I would end up having her early. I planned Joey's birthday party for September 2nd. I figured she would be born the beginning of August, and that would give me plenty of time to plan a birthday party.
Fast forward to the middle of August. I was getting bigger every minute, and no signs of labor. One night I woke up with terrible back pain. And Ally wasnt moving. So, I got up and drank a HUGE glass of OJ, and waited. No movement. I was terrified. I couldnt get the doctor on the phone fast enough.
The pain was getting worse, coming and going. And Ally wasnt moving. 4:00am we called the sitter for Joey and flew to the hospital. They hooked me up to the monitors. Another backwards baby. Another back labor was in my future. But for now, it was just false labor, and within an hour she was kicking my ribs like a pro.
They kept me until lunchtime, and sent us home.
I met with my midwife on Aug 25th. The day after my due date. I had to have a nonstress test to see how Ally's heart rate was doing. It was even. It wasnt accelerating the way it should, but it wasnt decelerating either.
She wanted an OB to do an ultrasound to check on Ally's size, and heartrate. My OB, not the one that delivered Joey, another OB in the practice, looked at my belly and said "WHOA, We got a big baby here." It was a Friday. My 2 favorite OBs were leaving for vacation the following day. My placenta was aging. And he suggested we schedule a section for that evening.
Again, I was sold. The heart rate thing made me nervous. And I just wanted her out.
This section was a cake walk compared to Joey's.
I went in. Was prepped. 20 minutes later I was in the OR. I was rested, relaxed, and excited. I had the epidural. The drs pulled her out. And then it was done. No pain. No weird experiences.
Within 3 hours of checking into the hospital, she was in my arms, eating like a champ. What a difference.
With Ally, I requested no visitors except for family, and I didnt let them stay long. I wanted the time to just spend with her bonding with her. She never left my side.
Oh, she was born August 25th. Remember that Birthday party I had planned for Joey?? I was wrong. She wasnt early, she was actually one day late. And I had a birthday party to throw 1 week postpardum. Talk about exhaustion. Lucky for me, there were about 20 people waiting in line to hold Ally while I entertained Joey.
After things calmed down and we got into our little routine, it was clear, she was the perfect final piece to my puzzle. My heart is now whole.

1 comment:
K7leen@hotmail.com send me an e mail there please. Kathleen
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