(Ended up not being able to find anyone, so Mike stayed home with the kids, and it turned into an-all-girl-adventure to Stamford)
My mom said she would have loved to watch the kids, but she would be on the Cape. Seems she and Dan bought a timeshare, and were heading to the Cape for the week. All of this was news to me.
Hmmm....I love me some Cape Cod. But, there was no vacation time available for Mike to take in July. Had I know a few weeks previously, maybe we could have worked something out. Oh well.
A day later, I get an email from my bff. She had some vacation time coming and was thinking about taking next week off. The same week my mom would be on the Cape in her time share.
I ran the idea of taking off with the kids to the Cape, past Lyndsay, my bff. She was game. I asked my husband. His kids are everything to him. And taking them away for a few days, might kill him. But, he was game.
Lastly was my mom. She was game.
SWEET. We are heading to Cape Cod!! The kids, Lyndsay, and me. This is going to be interesting.
We packed up Lyndsay car. Stuff in every corner, floor to ceiling. Wednesday morning, we are on our way. The kids are pumped about going to the beach, and swimming and being on VACATION. 1/2 way thru Mass, they were done being excited. Ally was complaining she was stuck in her seat. And she wanted to get out. She had to pee like a freakin race horse. She wanted to watch Laurie Berkner, Joey wanted to watch Cars.
And Lyndsay and I just wanted to GET THERE ALREADY!
When we finally arrived, I was dying to scope out our living conditions. We were promised a loft we could all stay in. We had brought out air mattresses and hopes were high.
Well, the only way up to the loft was with drop down stairs. Much like the entrance to an attic. Could be worse, I guess. We will deal. The loft had pitched ceilings, but was rather spacious and airy.
The one down side? The big ass hole in the floor where the stairs are. The Mom in me was totally panicked one if not both of my kids were going to trip and fall. And then I had to worry about navigating those stairs in the middle of the night taking kids back and forth to the potty. (Boy, I wish I wasnt so quick to potty train the kids.)
I took a deep breath. It was free. My mom and Dan were gracious enough to let us stay with them. It could be so much worse. We will deal.
Lets go to the beach.
It was a short walk to the beach. Probably about 10 minutes. The kids had never really been in the ocean. West Haven, CT doesnt really count. The water was like bath water. They were a little apprehensive. I had Joey in the water with me, and he said, "Ah, Mom. This isnt for me. I like the sand better." What a nut he is. He ended up really loving the waves, and running in and out.
Ok, Ok...Here are some pics:
Joey sitting the beach chair getting up the courage to go into the water.
Finally putting his feet in.
Ally and Dan. He must spend more time in the sun than Ally does. She is SO white! lol
Going with Nana to build a sand castle.
Ally stopping to strike a pose.
So the beach was a big hit. We wanted to get back there to take even more pictures, but the weather didnt cooperate.
So there is this shack of a place in Yarmouth that has the most amazing pancakes. Well, at least that is what Lyndsay says. Its called the Pancake Man and we headed there in the morning for some Chocolate Chip Pancakes.
Joey is catching up on some "reading." lol
I'm not sure about the nutritional content of a chocolate chip pancake smothered in chocolate sauce.
Ally opted for Strawberry. And lots of whipped cream.
After that we headed to mini-golf. There is a place called Pirates Cove. Its pretty nifty, and very well done. Evidentially, the rest of the Cape agrees with me, because the place was packed.
Joey lining up his shot.

Thats a creative way to hold the club, but whatever works.

Ally found it much easier to just pick up the balls and walk them over to the hole.
She has a valid point.

Ally getting welcomed, as well.

I told you, the cats lay on the cars.
Some of the cars in the museum.

Enjoying a swing on the hammock before leaving Toad Hall.

Thats a creative way to hold the club, but whatever works.
Ally found it much easier to just pick up the balls and walk them over to the hole.
Moving on. A LONG LONG time ago, when I was on the Cape with Mike for our honeymoon, we discovered this place called Toad Hall. Its basically a car museum. Sorta.
In a nutshell, this guy named Bill, starting buying all these antique cars. Painted them all red, and then stuck them in this huge garage for all to see. (For a small fee) At the same location, Bill, runs a B&B. The Simmons Homestead. Its a very nice place that Mike and I say we are always going to stay in, but havent as of yet.
The other attraction to this place is the cats. Bill owns 31 cats. All long-haired, all beautiful. Most friendly. Some may come for the cars, we come for the cats. My kids could spend the entire day there chasing around the cats. The cats are allowed just about everywhere. My husband cringes as they walk all over the classic cars.
In a nutshell, this guy named Bill, starting buying all these antique cars. Painted them all red, and then stuck them in this huge garage for all to see. (For a small fee) At the same location, Bill, runs a B&B. The Simmons Homestead. Its a very nice place that Mike and I say we are always going to stay in, but havent as of yet.
The other attraction to this place is the cats. Bill owns 31 cats. All long-haired, all beautiful. Most friendly. Some may come for the cars, we come for the cats. My kids could spend the entire day there chasing around the cats. The cats are allowed just about everywhere. My husband cringes as they walk all over the classic cars.
Joey and the welcoming committee.
Ally getting welcomed, as well.
I told you, the cats lay on the cars.
Enjoying a swing on the hammock before leaving Toad Hall.
Another Cape Cod attraction is the Cape Cod potato chip factory. Its free and there are free samples at the end. How can we pass this up??
There are only a few pics, because after I snapped these, I saw the sign forbidding pictures. Oops.

So, other than hanging around at the pool, that was pretty much it.
We had a great mini-vacation. It was a lot of work, and I came home tired, and needing a nap! :)
I have some more to blog about, but right now the kids need a bath and a good nights sleep. The rest will have to wait until tomorrow.
There are only a few pics, because after I snapped these, I saw the sign forbidding pictures. Oops.
Enjoying those samples, I was telling you about. Delicious!!
So, other than hanging around at the pool, that was pretty much it.
We had a great mini-vacation. It was a lot of work, and I came home tired, and needing a nap! :)
I have some more to blog about, but right now the kids need a bath and a good nights sleep. The rest will have to wait until tomorrow.
1 comment:
ohhh... pancake man!!! oh the memories when I was young. WE used to go up to cape cod all the time.
Are the go-arts and tranpelenes still there too?
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