A visit to the pediatrician and one blood test later, we had some pretty terrible news. Joey was allergic to peanuts. Oh and Tree Nuts, Milk, Soy, Wheat, Dogs & Cats. Can you imagine getting that message on your answering machine?
We have followed up with more blood tests and skin-prick tests. And it seems Dogs, Cats, and Peanuts are the ones we have to look out for. We carry an epi-pen and read ingredients, and I have to ask 1 million questions whenever he is going to eat, and I wont be right beside him. But honestly, it hasnt been as horrible as I originally thought it would be.
That is until our trip to Cape Cod. Here is what happened:
On our last night we decided to go out for pizza. The kids were fussy in the pizzeria, the wait was long, and they were tired. So, I told them if they could behave, and be still I would take them out for ice cream afterwards. The promise of ice cream did the trick and all was quiet and calm for the remainder of our pizza adventure.
There was a small ice cream shack across the street. It was starting to rain, so I suggested we get the car, in case it downpours, we wont have to walk back to the hotel in the rain. (The pizza place was close to the hotel, so we had walked.)
Ok, so we get to the ice cream place. My mom and Dan order first and get their yummy looking ice creams. I had the kids all pumped about their ice cream cones.
This is how it works when you have a nut allergy. First, you tell the server, you have an allergy. You then ask for a clean scooper. Soft serve is better b/c there isnt cross contamination, but hard is ok, as long as you have a clean scooper. Then you ask for them to go in back and get the sprinkles for the big container. So, there isnt any cross contamination. And then you put an extra dollar in the tip cup for their troubles.
Here in Connecticut, it works beautifully. Once you say, PEANUT ALLERGY, the server knows exactly that to do to ensure my son wont need a trip to the hospital. Ok fine.
So, I approached the counter and said. "My son has a peanut allergy, would you be able to accommodate us?" The skinny bitch (I hate to use that term, but that is exactly what she was, check the dictionary, you will see her picture) behind the counter, looked at me like I suddenly sprouted 10 heads. Another skinny bitch from behind her said, "Oh you have a nut allergy, we cant serve you."
This time I looked at them like they sprouted 10 heads. "YOU CANT SERVE US? If you use a clean scooper and get the sprinkles from the big bucket, that will be fine."
They both said "NOPE. We were told we cannot serve you or anyone in your group, per our boss."
I was totally floored. It would have been one thing if they explained they could not promise everything to be 100% peanut free. I could understand that. But to be rude, and refuse any service at all?
We walked away from the counter, and my son started to cry. Heck, I started to cry, too. This skinny bitch just told me that my son couldnt do something because he is different that everyone else. It made me weak. It really did.
So, I explained to my mom and Dan we would have to meet them back at the hotel, we had to get these kids ice cream before they had a nervous breakdown. In the car we went. I was SO thankful we had decided to go back and get the car. The kids were flipping out because we were leaving the ice cream place empty handed and it was POURING rain out.
Back on Route 28 towards Hyannis. There must be ice cream somewhere.
We found some. In Yarmouth. It was pouring, there was no covered seating, there was nothing. The kids would have to eat in the car, and in their freshly laundered car seats. Oh boy.
I stated my case about the peanut allergies. NO PROBLEM they said. And got a new, clean scooper and the big tub of sprinkles from the storage room. All was well. I handed off the ice cream cones to Lyndsay, who delivered them to my children. Lynz had her ice cream, and I was waiting to pay.
$14 later, everyone was happy. Thats right $14 for ice cream.
Until 30 seconds went by, and Ally's ice cream dropped off her cone and into her lap. Lynz held it in her hand until I could get a bowl. Ice cream was dripping like crazy, it was still pouring. What a mess it all was.
I threw out my empty ice cream bowl. And then Ally said "All done, Mom!" I asked her, "Do you want me to throw yours away?" She clearly said, "YES."
And in the garbage it went.
And then the screaming began. "I want my ice cream!!!!!!!!!"
Screaming so severe the old couple in line, looked like they were ready to call the authorities. I am not kidding. I quickly explained the situation and they laughed. Phew.
She screamed the entire way back to the hotel. And then told Grandma how I had thrown away her ice cream. Great.
Boy, did I learn my lesson.
Next time. Goto Stop and Shop and get Popsicles. Problem solved.
1 comment:
Holy Moley!!! Pops it is from now on!
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