Joey is doing AWESOME! His throat (or FROAT, as he calls it) is all healed. And the sleep apnea has gone away!! He is sleeping better, and that translates to a happier little man during the day.
I was going back in time on our ebook of pics, and WOW, he has changed SO much. For fun, I found this little video of Joey skating when he was almost two.
When Joey was 2 1/2 he had a vocab of barely 10 words, and his doctor was concerned, so we had him evaluated. And thus began my fight with the public school system here. We accepted the help of a speech therapist, WHICH DID WONDERS. And he quickly began increasing his vocabulary. He was in birth to 3, and at the age of the 3, his speech therapist released his file to the public school system, which would take on his case from there.
To make a long story short, they wanted him to start their school readiness program that was 5 times a week, 4 hours a day. And they suggested he take the school bus so he can be like the other kids. It was my opinion, that was WAY to much for my sensitive little boy. And instead we opted for Monkey Business. And it was the best decision I ever made.
With patience, love and understanding, the staff at Monkey Business really helped him to blossom. And gain confidence in himself. Now, he talks NON-STOP. He sings songs, and makes conversation. He is a riot. He says things like, "Are you kidding me right now, Mom?" and my favorite "Mom, YOU ARE MAKING ME CRAZY." I love it.
I am so insanely proud of my little boy. I just wish he would grow a tad bit slower.

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