Baths have been replaced by showers. There are no more diapers to be found in our house. She must do everything for herself, and if I dont permit her to do so, her world comes crashing down, and chaos ensues.
Miss Independent no longer needs mom hovering over her. She prefers to dress herself, two legs through one pant leg. Brushing her own teeth, water everywhere and baby tooth paste running down her arm. Buckling and unbuckling her carseat, she tries that one, and finally gives in to dad's help. Making her meals, or at least she wants to. I dont let her use the stove. Am I a mean mommy, or what? She seems to think so.
Heaven help anyone that tries to help her do anything.
She is in that difficult stage of testing her boundaries and her limits. We, as her parents, are holding tight to our rules and expectations. We are hopeful that if we stay consistent this stage will pass QUICKLY. It will, right?
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