Monday, August 25, 2008

Another Year, Another Party Success

Operation Celebrate Children's Birth was a success. The party was a huge hit. Family is scattered about, and its nice to have a reason to get together and celebrate. We dont do it nearly enough.

All the kids had an amazing time running, jumping, playing and squealing in delight.

The adults chatted amongst themselves, pointing and laughing at above mentioned children.

My favorite photographer was on hand to capture the fun, and I'll be sure to link the photos when she posts them. (

Mom, of course, got a little misty a few times. I cant explain the way it feels to see my kids growing up. Its scary, exciting, heart breaking, sad, happy and 1000 more emotions all at the same time.

I am so proud of them, and so in madly in the love with them. I know I have said it many times before, they are my world, my heart and I cannot imagine how I survived without them.

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