Sunday, October 5, 2008

Nothing Like a Sick Kid

Ally has the sickness. The green goop pouring out of her nose. She points to her nose and tells us its broken. (its pretty adorable)

Sure, I feel bad for her...Her little nose is all crusted up. She is pale, and grumpy. She did have a fever, but that didnt last very long. We took her to the doctor. Her ears, and throat are clear. Its just a head cold.

When she is happy and sickness-free, she doesnt sit still for more than a moment. She doesnt like to be cozy or lay around and snuggle. She is always on a mission, and she is always determined. She is Miss Independent. She wants to do everything for herself, without help. Gone is my little baby girl that I could fuss over, and do everything for.

Now that she has the sickness, she climbs up into my lap and just wants to be held. And I love it. It seems like yesterday, but also so long ago, she was just a teeny little baby that I could hold and nap with. Or just sit and stare at.

When she wakes up in the middle of night, I have no reservations about bringing her into bed, so she can sleep in my arms.
After all, she has green goop pouring out of her nose. Clearly, she needs me. :)

Soon this sickness will pass. Probably in the next 48 hours. She will go back to being 2 going on 13. She wont want me to hold her, or snuggle with her.
At least not until the next time she gets sick.

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