Saturday, December 20, 2008

Oh Snowy Day

We are just about done with our first snowfall of the season. The kids were, as you can imagine, so excited about the snow. As we all were. It is so pretty and delicate as it falls. And it leaves a nice clean coating of white on EVERYTHING.

After the kids were all tucked in and sleeping last night, Mike and I decided to go out and shovel. And shovel, and shovel and shovel. TWO hours of non-stop shoveling. That beautiful delicate stuff was HEAVY. And after we were all done, I've decided I'm all done with snow. And I am ready to see the flowers bloom. Well, after Thursday that is.

The plow came through over night and pushed another few inches of the white stuff up all around my car. More shoveling is going to be required before I actually go anywhere.

In other, BIG news. We are taking the kids to Disneyworld! Thanks to the generosity and heart-o-gold of my bff, Lyndsay, we are going to Disneyworld. The kids are so excited about meeting Mickey Mouse face to face. Every day they ask if today is the big day. Its not until February, so they have a little longer to wait.

And I would be lying to you, if I said I wasnt so totally excited myself. I havent been to Disney in 15+ years. So, its going to be great fun to go with my kids, my husband are our very best friends.

AND, our digital camera finally crapped out. Luckily, Santa came early and delivered a new one. I convinced Santa to let us open it early so we can use it on Christmas morning.
So, for your viewing pleasure, PICTURES:

Wow, this kid grew up so fast!

Boxes are great fun.

Posing in front of the Christmas tree.

This is when the snow first started. Ally was napping.

Ally's first snow experience of the season.

How cute are they in their snow outfits?

Sorta sledding. Our slope in the back isnt quite steep enough. They had fun anyway.

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