Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Unscheduled Summer

One of the joys of a mommy and me class is to sit quietly and listen to the conversations around you. Parenting means so many things to so many people, its interesting to just listen to what moms are talking about and what they are saying. The formula feeding vs the breastfeeding, the working moms vs the sahm, the au pair vs the nanny. Ah, let the mommy wars begin.

I recently ease dropped on a conversation about summer activities. One mom was telling another mom about soccer, and summer camp, and tee-ball and arts and crafts. And her husband was giving her a hard time about how much everything was going to cost. And her response to her dear husband was, "Dont you want the kids to have FUN this summer."

I had to walk away. How much fun is it going to be schlepping hot, sweaty, tired kids from one activity to the next? And then having to pay for all those activities and the gas to get from one to the next?

I come from a time when summer break meant your mom kicked you out after breakfast. You ate lunch at your friends house, and then you made it home for dinner. Totally filthy and exhausted. All for FREE.

My kids are having an unscheduled summer. For one thing gas for my boat is EXPENSIVE. Groceries are double what they were, money is tight, and truth be told, mom wants to relax and enjoy leisure summer days.

How am I entertaining my kids, you wonder? Glad you asked.

Mornings are family time. We go hiking, shopping, errands, or whatever other family adventure we have planned.
Lunch at home.
Ally naps, mom and Joey play on the computer, read books, or play trains.
Afternoons, we head out back to play in our $7.99 wading pool and our FREE slide someone gave us. If I am feeling especially silly we break out some water balloons and have more fun than necessary.
In for dinner.
Hang out, and have some quiet time. (ie TV while Mom picks up the house)

Restart again the following day.

Seriously, this is shaping up to be the best summer ever. Simple, relaxing, easy. And budget-approved.

Here are some pics for this afternoon outside:

Ally going down the slide, "Like a Shark." (I have no idea where she gets this stuff.)

Joey going down the slide.

Testing the waters.

Maybe she needs a little push.

Yes that is just what she needed.

Joey is much more cautious.


Joey swimming like a fish.

Thomas the train rescue mission.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Can I be a part of an Unscheduled Summer??? I love your Blog--and I am so happy to read how you are raising your children. Good Job!